
Showing posts from September, 2017

Android Jokes — Programmer will understand

I’m posting some of my favorite jokes, that hopefully most programmers will get, and find mildly humorous! Enjoy! 1. A  fragment  walks into a bar, and the bartender asks for an ID. Fragment says, “I don’t have an  ID .” So the bartender says, “Okay, I’ll make a  NullPointerException .” 2. How many Android user does it take to change a light bulb?     One. He puts the bulb in and lets the world revolve around him. Hit the link to know the facts :   15 Amazing Facts about Android 3. A WebView walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry buddy, we only allow natives here.” Disappointed, the WebView walks out of the bar.. and then gets ran over by a Mustang. 4. “Knock, knock.”      “Who’s there?”         very long pause….         “Java.” 5. “Well,” said the Software Engineer, “Before we do anything, I think we should push the car back up the road and see if it happens again.” 6. Did you Nexus One help you with your homework?     Student: No, it did it all by it

Top 10 Resources for Android Developer 2017

If you are looking for Android development resources, here is the place for you. For those of you who’re new to Android development, following individual bloggers to learn their tips and tutorials is a great way to improve; Experienced devs? You’ll probably want to involve yourselves more to the right communities. So, select those that best fit your needs and goals. Also, don’t forget — it’s not only about how to make an Android app, but you’ll also need to promote it to get downloads. That takes time too. Good luck to your mobile app and android dev career! 1.   Android Developers Official Android site that provides guides, references, SDK, etc. You can also get news and announcements from the Android team. Don’t forget to check out the “Developer Stories” section for other developers, their apps, and success stories with Android and Google Play. 2.   Android Developers Blog It sits on top of the list because it’s the official Google Blogspot for Android Devel

Android Intents and Intents Filters

The topic chosen was Intent and Intent Filter are as follows, What is an Intent? An Intent is a messaging object you can use to request an action from another app component. There are three fundamental use cases: Starting an activity Starting a service Delivering a broadcast Complete Topics to be a Professional Android Developer The example below assumes that you are on the Photo Gallery Activity, and want to view a specific photo (which would open in its own activity). This is how the Intent associated with the click photo event is fired: The primary information contained in an  Intent  is the following: Component name - This optional field is an android ComponentName object representing either Activity, Service or BroadcastReceiver class.You can set the component name with setComponent(), setClass(), setClassName(), or with the Intent constructor. Action - This is mandatory part of the Intent object and is a string naming the action to be per